Monday, March 10, 2014

Wow, this week was crazy!!!

Hola mi familia y mis amigos!

Wow this week was crazy. Super hard but with miracles mixed in. Its hard because none of the people we are teaching are progressing. We had 6 people that were willing to be baptized but all but one fell because they didnt feel like going to church. Its dificult to see sometimes but i know i can only give my best effort and i can´t control the rest. 

I started out this week kinda scared because as an idea my comp had to help Gustavo quit smoking he had this idea from another missionary to make the tabaco from the cigarette into a tea type of thing, with the intention of nasting him out so he doesnt want to smoke. After he drank it i realized, "Oh crap, cigarettes kill people and we just made gusavo drink this stuff and we dont know what it is going to do. Its just a rumor." well, turns out he lived! but for the first two days he threw up when he smaelled a cigarette. worked but kinda sketchy. never going to try that again hahaha. Whats good is that he actually is progressing and that he was smoking a pack a day and now he is only smoking two cigarettes a day. We are hoping he will be done this next week.

We did a lot of walking and clapping doors this week because we had a lot of appointments fall through. we taught half the lessons we taught last week. but we did have a couple really powerful lessons where you walk out, and you are just thinking, "wow, that was a miracle" 

First one was we were looking for a guy we had taught and we found his uncle an evangelical pastor instead. It was one of the first intelectual investigators I have taught here that has read the bible. He came at us hard trying to twist our words in the lesson and use scriptures against us, but as it says in D&C 88, we spoke by the spirit and were given what to say. We weren´t confounded because our doctrine is solid. The only true doctrine because it is the only doctrin that is whole. The same church that Christ established when he was on the Earth, restored. It was super awesome when at the end of the lesson he didnt have any words left to say and we commited him to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it to get an answer nfor himself that our message is true. It was awesome.

Second miracle lesson. We were walking around without plans because all of our plans had fell through. we were talking about where to go next and all of a sudden this man dressed in all black comes out of his front yard and starts asking, " are you from the devil of Jesus'" we answered that we are from the Church of Jesus Christ and that we are here to spread his message. He told us he didnt believe there was a god so we asked if we could share with him why we believe there is. He told us to follow him inside and he began to tell us how he and his friend had been robbed and how he was sick of all the injustice and that he had a friend with a gun and he was going to kill all the "pibes"(thiefs/punks) that live on his block. We began to teach and his questions were "where do we come from?" "why are we here?" and "where are we going after this life?" It was crazy. We taught the plan of salvation but not like a lesson. just answering his questions. At the end of the lesson he had changed completely. we had convinced him that it wasnt right to kill all those guys and that there is a God and that their is justice in the end. He told us that he is looking at a lot of diferent beliefs but that he thinks that we spoke "mucho verdad" So intense. when we spoke we felt the spirit so strong. When we walked out of there we were shaking a little and just like, "what just happened?" pretty much we saved a bunch of lives because the spirit put us in the right place at the right time. He told us during the lesson that when we walked by a voice told him to approach us and talk to us. So crazy to think what would have happened if we werent there and he hadnt heard that voice.

Well it was a pretty crazy week. Long but we worked hard and were where we needed to be. Next week hopefully we can help the people more.

Elder Whitaker

Ty's new ride

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