Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Adios Villa Montoro, Hola Santa Teresita!

Hola mi familia y mis amigos!

Well this week was bittersweet because i left my first area, Villa Montoro, after 4 1/2 months and I am now serving in a city on the beach, Santa Teresita. My new pench is the bottom floor of the branch presidents house and its like 12 blocks from the beach. It is a pretty sweet area. It is a branch here with like 50-60 people that attend every week. I am now the second councilor in the branch presidency and english teacher. Its pretty sweet. We are going to need to work hard to find people because it is a tourist town where there are a ton of people during the summer and now they are all back to their lives. (winter is beginning here) So we need to find a lot of people but there is a lot of potential here.

Well my last week in villa montoro was really good! we built a roof for the bathroom of Mari and we did the foundation of a new wall for her house. It was fun to be working eith tools again. We also had some really good lessons with some of our investigators. We have really been trying to focus in on how the gosple can help somebody personally and not just try to apply the same thing to everyone. Because of that we had some really good lessons and found out how to help them. I wont be there to see it but i think a lot of them will get baptized.

I have now finished 6 months of my mission. Its pretty crazy how fast time is going. I feel like i just started but i am already a quarter done. Hopefully my time in La Costa is going to be goood and we are going to accopmlish some good work down here. 

Sis Farrell's seminary class sent Valentines to Ty & his companions.
Elder Whitaker

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